Successful AGM & Open Meeting

Thank you to everyone who made it along, and contributed positively, to our AGM and Open Meeting.

The AGM saw us complete the more formal part of the evening - including re-electing 8 Trustees, saying goodbye to one of our founding Trustees and welcoming a new Trustee to the Board.

Following a quick coffee break, the meeting then progressed into our ‘Open’ (informal) part - starting with a wonderful ‘Our Year in Pictures’ slideshow, prepared by Graham Jackson of our Core Paths Working Group.

The ‘Open Meeting’ allowed everyone to float around the room, catch up with old friends, meet new friends and discuss our key projects and successes with our three Working Groups (Core Paths, Green Spaces and Sport & Recreation.

And…if you look really closely, you might even see our three new logos; ones which will be appearing on the website and Facebook very soon!

Tim Hart