Successful AGM & Open Meeting

Wednesday 29th September saw ACSR host its Annual General Meeting (AGM), followed immediately thereafter with an ‘Open Meeting’.

The AGM covered off the formal part of the evening - which included approving minutes, the financial report and an amendment to the constitution. This part of the evening also saw Stuart Clark step down as both Treasurer and a Trustee, with universal acclaim to thank him for everything he has done to help ACSR’s development over the last 3 years. All other Trustees were re-elected for another year - with Denise Jackson MBE (Chair), Sheila Perera (Secretary) and Sheena Munro (Treasurer) being elected to specific roles.

ACSR AGM 2021.jpg

The Open Meeting allowed all attendees to learn more about the work and plans of ACSR in four key areas: Core Paths, Parks and Community Greenspace, Participation and Business Development - and generated plenty of discussion and some valuable suggestions.

Our thanks go to everyone who attended on the evening - and to all those who continue to offer their support to ACSR.

Tim Hart