Pump Track - Fundraising Appeal - Your Help Needed

ACSR aims to provide a high-quality Pump Track in Auchterarder Public Park and are asking for your support to contribute towards the extra funding necessary towards the increased cost of this Project.

Where? – What? – Why?

  • The Pump Track will be located towards the bottom of the Public Park, and adjacent to a Mountain Bike Skills Trail, which is already fully funded.

  • A Pump Track is a sequence of rollers and berms (banked turns) and features designed to be ridden by riders ‘pumping’ – generating momentum by up and down body movements and with minimal pedalling or pushing.

  • A good pump track is one which can be used by everyone of all ages and abilities – and it is also a great place for children and young people to learn to how to safely ride their bikes, scooters, and skateboards.

We hope our project will deliver a new high-quality sporting facility within Auchterarder – and one which will be free to access and help to alleviate some of the challenges faced by youngsters in our semi-rural community.

As well as increasing participation in cycling and encouraging people of all ages to enjoy the physical, mental, and social benefits of taking part in sport and recreation, we expect to see:

  • A new Cycling Club established.

  • A youth coaching programme (c 250 hrs per year) in place by May 2024

  • An annual Pump Track family day in place by July 2024

  • Other local cycling clubs to be attracted to use the new facility.

How Can You Contribute?

Tim Hart